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To Use Converter
1.  select an amount that you would like to convert
2.  Select your currency
3.  Click on "Perform Currency Conversion" button  

  I want to convert...
this amount

enter any amount
of this type of currency

scroll down to see more currencies
into this type of currency.

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By using this service, you agree to be bound by the terms of use agreement. places this currency converter on this site with permission of the creator and designer Xenon Laboratories Incorporated.  This converter is supplied to help purchases from the site. and  Xenon Laboratories Incorporated are not liable for currency fluctuations, incorrect data, mistakes, data related problems, or any financial or non financial problems that may occur do to this converter..   

Although Xenon Laboratories Incorporated strives to ensure our figures are correct, they make no guarantees as to their accuracy or suitability for any purpose. While effort is taken to ensure their accuracy, errors can from time to time appear. Currency rates specified by financial institutions will differ from theirs, sometimes significantly. In addition, currency rates will vary by geographical market. The end user assumes all risk for the use of any information provided by our services.

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